Natural knit toy SALE

March 2, 2010

Aw! Can you believe beautiful cashmere and wool Chocolate Angel Pony is only $26 reduced from $35?

Yes! It’s the super SALE at LullabyLily. Hand knit original toys stuffed with pure wool, gorgeous! And every one is on sale; ponies, one donkey, slugs, piggies, cats – magificent! Be quick, go to the LullabyLily etsy shop here and see who is left.

Pony club wrangle

February 12, 2009

Frisk makes it to the Etsy front page

Frisk makes it to the Etsy front page

Someone wrangled a beautiful collection of horses and ponies into a Treasury and on to the Etsy front page! Little Frisk the Boucle Pony is delighted! Gorgeous.