Feng Shui Slugs

January 25, 2010

Who knew? Custom Order Feng Shui Slugs for a lovely lady in Belgium.
Passion/ Love Slug, Yin and Yang Slugs.

The Passion/Love Slug is gorgeous in rich, red and super-soft yarns. I used a scarlet red chenille yarn that has amazing tiny flickers of sparkly red through it – like the sparks of passion!

I also used another shade of red chenille yarn and a yarn made up of loads of fiery red threads.

I noticed (and you can see it in the photo) one of these threads made a little loop outside the knitting and was about to tuck it in neatly when I thought it was like being ‘undone’ in passion so I have left it! LOL.

The white and silver Slug is knit with pure white bamboo yarn with white wool mix yarn and a beautiful silver fibre yarn. The fibres look white in the photos but they are actually silver white. I stuffed this one lightly so it is soft and more feminine.

The black and gold one I made with black bamboo yarn with bright gold lurex yarn and a dull gold fibre yarn. I stuffed it more firmly and made it slightly bigger than the white and silver slug.

What a joy – these Feng Shui Slugs practically made themselves! Beautiful energy.

Red, yellow and blue

January 19, 2009

Primary Slug Tribe slither on to Etsy's front page

Primary Slug Tribe slither on to Etsy's front page

I am not a primary colors person. I can see their appeal to others and realise that without them the world of print would be devoid of any color at all. However, I know lots of people love primary colors so I made Primary Colors Slug Tribe – who in turn made it to the front page of Etsy.com. Yay!